Consultancy by CONVIS

  • Management Consultancy

  • Start-up Consultancy and Business Coaching

  • Sustainable Development

  • Occupational Safety and Quality

  • Supply and Waste Management Concepts

  • Environmental Remediation

  • Demolition Measures

  • Contract Design (Public Bodies)

  • Approval Procedures

  • Tendering Processes

Whether large, medium or small, companies increasingly need to be judged by how they respond to the social, economic and ecological issues of sustainable development. Do you think and act purely in the here and now, or do you also take responsibility for the life of subsequent generations?

Management consultancy

CONVIS supports both international companies and small and medium sized businesses in establishing their management systems and thereby complying with the criteria for sustainable development on a consistent basis. Our employees possess superb specialist expertise and all speak two or three languages. Thanks to this, we can advise businesses worldwide on sustainable development, as well as quality and occupational health and safety. At our Paris site we have an accredited training centre where employees, especially those at management level, receive training.

Start-up consultancy and business coaching

CONVIS advises and coaches start-ups. CONVIS also supports international corporations in their business development and cooperation with innovative start-ups. In the implementation of start-up projects, our focus is not only on innovations, but also on marketing and sales in an international context.

Technical engineering consultancy

It is essential for businesses’ survival that they can react swiftly and flexibly to the differing challenges that are constantly occurring in the markets. It is therefore good to have a reliable partner like CONVIS at your side. With our technical engineering consultancy services we support businesses in developing bespoke solutions in areas such as process engineering and energy systems; creating supply and waste management concepts; as well as environmental remediation and demolition measures. We are conversant with all modern process engineering technology and have garnered first-hand experience from numerous large-scale projects. Furthermore, we provide consultancy services to public bodies (TÖB) with regards to contract design, and we support businesses in all the requisite steps in the approval and tendering processes.

The right tool for each consultancy project

With each consultancy project since 1997 we have supplied tools to enable the client to continue independently down the path that has been carved out. We develop these tools – initially this was an excel spreadsheet; later tools comprised entire software solutions – together with the client. In 2009 we decided to incorporate the individual tools into a shared platform. This resulted in a complete content management system (CMS).
